DRM – Native Integration

Document Revision: 31st May 2019


1. Read the Windows Registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SynthesisVR\app\pc


2. Prepare and send the following HTTP POST request to:

POST Parameters:

In response, you’ll get a non-sense string like this:

This string us trustworthy and will be used by Synthesis to validate the game instance. It can be cached locally on the PC and refreshed every few weeks or .. never.


3. Prepare a JSON formatted string with the following parameters:

Example JSON string:


4. Perform a local HTTP POST request to:



5. In response, you’ll get a JSON string with the following data:

Important note: optimize your code to quit the game if there is no response to the onlineContentVerification call. This will mean Synthesis is not running and the minutes usage may not be properly tracked or tracked at all. Also, it is advisable to re-run steps 4 and 5 during the game instance is active.



6. Verifying the hash value is optional and requires internet connectivity. Its purpose is to prevent people from trying to somehow emulate the local Synthesis services and provide fake positive responses.

Our suggestion is to cache the positive response of this check for a period of 2-3 weeks and then invalidate the cache.

To verify the hash value, perform an HTTP POST to:


The response will be either 0 or 1:


7. Upload the build on SynthesisVR CDN (link)


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