Uploading game build on SynthesisVR CDN

Document Revision: 06th March 2024


Upload process:

1. Download our “Producers Content Manager” app:

2. Use your web credentials to login to the app

3. Double click on the game image

4. Go to the “Build” tab and choose the game build folder

5. Wait for the upload to finish and you are done with the app. You can also use it to further upload game images and trailers.


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Command-line support:

-autologinLogin automatically with your previously saved credentials or with the user/pass values provided through command-line
-autouploadStart the upload process based on the above parameters and close the application if the upload is successful.
-user=<value>StringYour login
-pass=<value>StringYour password
-gameid=<value>IntegerPredefine a selection for the list of content
-type=<value>pcvr | oculus | pico | htc | android_nonvrSelect the build type you are uploading. For Windows builds, use only pcvr
-basepath=<value>StringIn case you are uploading a PCVR build, provide the base path and omit the ending \ character.
If the build is Meta/Pico/Focus3, provide the full path to the APK file.
-exe=<value>StringSkip for Meta/Pico/Focus3 builds. For PCVR, provide the exe path considering the build’s base directory.
If you are unsure what to set, please run the app without any command line arguments and use the standard process.
Then copy the value that is on the “Select build .exe file” popup.
-deliverychannel=<value>StringIf skipped, the channel is set to “release”. If the channel is prefixed with “private-“, the build would be hidden and only for internal use. E.g.: “private-newdlc”
-android-file-extension=<value>*.obb|*.ext|*.txtBy default, the app will upload all OBB files. You can include extra files by supplying a list of all the required extensions.
-resultoutput=<value>auto | forcegui | jsonIf skipped (auto), the output will be determined based on the the way the app is started.


PCVR Build: cmd /K "FULL_PATH\SynthesisVR - Producer Content Manager.exe" -autologin -autoupload -user=YOUR_LOGIN -pass=YOUR_PASS -gameid=0000 -type=pcvr -deliverychannel=release -basepath="BUILD_BASE_DIRECTORY" -exe=MyGame.exe

PCVR Build: cmd /K "FULL_PATH\SynthesisVR - Producer Content Manager.exe" -autologin -autoupload -user=YOUR_LOGIN -pass=YOUR_PASS -gameid=0000 -type=pcvr -deliverychannel=beta -basepath="BUILD_BASE_DIRECTORY" -exe="ExtraPath\MyGame.exe"

Pico Build: cmd /K "FULL_PATH\SynthesisVR - Producer Content Manager.exe" -autologin -autoupload -user=YOUR_LOGIN -pass=YOUR_PASS -gameid=0000 -deliverychannel=release -type=htc -basepath="C:\MyBuilds\MyGame\MyGame.apk"
