Content Licensing: How To License Games
For game licensing, head over to the Your Games page: or From there click on the “Content Store” tab and you’ll see all the games available for licensing. On the left side you can either use the filters by clicking on them (green is selected, white is not selected). Or you can search by entering the name or part of the name in the top field and then pressing Enter on the keyboard. When you hover over a game, you will be given two options, the first, “Visit Page” will take you to the game page on in a new tab which will give you details about the game, including info on pricing, system requirements, etc. Clicking on License will open up a new portion on the same screen on the right side. On that new tab, the first thing you have to do is ti check the box next to the “I understand that, once subscribed, Licensing affects all stations in the arcade regardless if the game is installed via third party.” Once. you’ve agreed to this, then the License Now button becomes available. Once you’re ready, click on that button to license the game. Once you’ve licensed the game, you will be presented with one of 2 options. If the game is delivered through Steam, you will be presented with the following choice for installation: Click on the stations you want the game installed on and click on “Install”. The game should then be licensed and downloaded on the selected stations. On the stations you are installing the game to, you would need to do one more step. When the install is initiated, you will need to click on the Next button on this screen: Accept any agreements that pop up after and installation should begin after that. If, for some reason, the game doesn’t install, please check your library and locate the game and see if it’s stuck on “Installing”. If that’s the case (and it doesn’t show up in the Steam Downloads section, you will need to cancel the install by right clicking and choosing Cancel and then exiting Steam. Once you restart, you can attempt to initiating the install again remotely or find the game again in your library, right clicking and then choosing install and you should see the prompt above. If there are still issues, please send us an email with details to If the game is delivered through our CDN, the popup will show all stations detected as online and allows you to choose per station where to install the game both in terms of which station as well as what drive (if you have multiple drives installed on your system): Once you’ve chosen the stations and drive locations, you can click the “Install” button below all the stations and the game will begin to install on those stations. If you check your Access Point app and click on the Content Events button, you should see the game being installed: If that is not the case, please refresh your Access Point app via the Refresh button and you should see the Content Events button and the game in there. You can start it manually if it hasn’t started. The need to do this manually is rare, but is more reliable than Steam installs. Once a game is installed (via the auto methods above), you will then be prompted to add to a category. Select the categories you want and click on the “Add [GAME} to [X] Categories” button at the bottom. If you’ve only installed the game on some, but not all, stations and want to go back and install remotely, then find the game again using the search feature and click on “License” when you hover over the game icon. You’ll now see a button that says “Install [GAME} and when you click on it, you will be presented with the same choices as above for installing on stations. If you want to change a game from Usage to FIxed Fee, then find the game again using the search feature and click on “License” when you hover over the game and you will be presented with choosing between Usage and Fixed Fee. Click on the Fixed Fee and you will be asked how many licenses you need for that. Choose the number of licenses and then click on Add To Cart. Remember, this is a floating license so you man not need as many fixed fee licenses as you have stations unless you expect the game to be played a lot on all your stations at the same time. Once you’ve added the right number to your cart, the cart option will appear above the game and you can click on “Checkout” if all seems correct. Your card will be charged the amount shown on the screen. This amount will be a prorated amount for the remainder of the month. If we’re close to the end of the month, you will see the prorated amount as well as the upcoming month added together. If the game is already installed, nothing more needs to be done. If it’s not installed, then the process is exactly the same as described above.
Understanding Your Charges

At SynthesisVR we want our billing to be transparent and easy to follow for all our partners. Now that you have subscribed to SynthesisVR and started to license games, you can find all your charges and transaction history as follows: How to access your transaction history and Invoices Go to Administration – Arcade Setup – BillingClick the “Invoices & Payment History”Download the invoice that you’d like to inspect How to check your current months licensing charges Go to Administration – Billing – Games From there you will be able to check exactly how much usage you’ve generated for a certain game and how much money it is going to cost you.
Booking Add-On – Booking Widget Setup

This Documentation will provide a step by step guide to setting up your booking widget, integrating it in to your WordPress website and other advanced configurations.On your left menu click Administration Click Advanced Settings – Web Widgets as shown below This takes you to the Widgets Page. On the Booking Widgets TAB – Click the + sign to create a new web widget. This will open up a pop up menu to create a new widget. Widgets Pop Up Settings 1. Title – A Suitable title for your widget 2. Predefined Template – Select Template Version 5 from the drop down menu as shown below 3. Click the Experience Type+ buttonSelect the correct Experience from the dropdown menu this widget is going to apply. You can have multiple Experiences on the same widget. Make sure to click Experience Types+ button to add more experience. 4. Take Out Time Options+ (Optional) By default the booking will show all your time slots. Example: You have a 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes duration on your Booking Rules for VR Experience. Online you only want to show the 30,45 and 60 minutes option and do not want customers booking 15 minutes, then you can use this Take Out Time Options+ and not show the 15 minutes duration as shown below. 5. Waiver Template (Optional)If you want your customers to select a waiver before checkout select the correct Waiver Template from the drop down as shown below: 6. About Field – (Optional)Here you can add text explaining the booking widgets or conditions. 7. Payment moduleSynthesis VR can integrate multiple merchant processors for free. Here you can select the correct Payment module that is to applied for taking customers’ payment online. **This module has to be setup prior to selecting from the drop down. 8. Collect More Information About Your Customers+ (Optional)By default only Email, Password and Full Name is entered when a customer is making a booking online. If you want to collect more information you can use this button to add multiple fields. All fields are default text inputs, but limitations can be set as shown below.**For more customization options check the booking customization section. 9.Booking Confirmation Points+ (Optional)You can create points that the customer would check off using this. For example, something like “I agree to come 15 minutes prior to my session start”. This checkbox would be required to be checked off. 10. Add HTML to the HEAD and BODY tag (Optional)These fields are used to customize various options on your widget settings. Using this you can pretty much customize and enhance various options according to your own individual requirements. **This is clearly explained in the customization section with multiple examples as use case scenarios.11. Customer can pay in your locationIf you want your customers to pay at your Arcade instead of ONLINE, select YES, If the customer has to Pay ONLINE, select NO 12. Disable enforcing account registrationIf you want to enforce customers to register before checkout. This option will be OBSOLETE if ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION is selected, customer will have to create a profile before checking out. 13.Arcade Image (Optional)Upload your logo or image of choosing for the widget 14. External CSS URL (Optional)Synthesis VR supports external styling using CSS. Please input URL to enable external styling.15. Time FormatAs shown below, which format of time you want to use in your widget. AM/PM or Military style Time. 16. Pre-selected duration upon loading the widget (Optional)If you want a certain duration to load by default based on your booking duration, input the duration in minutes as shown below. This will load the 30 minutes duration by default on the booking page. 17. Earlier Possible Time After (Optional)This is an extremely valuable field for events and party bookings. For special events and parties if you require a certain duration then use this field.Type Digit and Type of Duration as shown below. This will require a 24 hour notice before they can make a reservation online. This will prevent same day reservations and have to be used carefully. Once you have setup everything please click the Save Changes button.
VR Session Manager – Session Tags
Real life usage case If you don’t yet have any employees, you definitely would have to hire some as your business grows. Then, you would create them “Operator” SynthesisVR accounts, as you wouldn’t want them to have full control over your setup. With this, certain functionalities would be limited. To name few: As we are all humans, your employees would do mistakes from time to time and you would be the one that would supervise and take care to “fix” their mistakes. In the regular case, your employees would let you a reservation comment, so you can take care for it. With the business growth, you may end up having 20, 30, 100+ reservations per day and it may become difficult and time consuming to check the comments one by one. However, if your staff add a comment and add a label to the reservation, you would be able to take care significantly faster. We are sure you would be able to think of more usage cases and we are eager to hear them. How to create Tags 3. Select your location, Give a Title that is relevant and select a color and Save Adding A Tag to an existing Reservation
Experience Types Add-On – Work Hours – By Game
The purpose of this Rule is to allow your arcade to act more like a traditional arcade where someone pays to play a game until a certain criteria is reached. For example, they play until they “die”, or play just a single round. Once the criteria is reached (set within the Game Categories section explained here), the session ends. Then click on the “Add/Edit Operation Settings” button under your experiences: To remove a line item in this section, click on the red “x” to the right of it.
Synthesis VR Setup – VR Stations
Before you can schedule or start a session, you’ll need to assign Experience types to your PC Stations using the following steps. 6. If you’d like to use the 3D Environment, click the drop down menu in the “3D Environment” drop down menu and choose the “Little Planet Launcher” option (for example).You will need to do a refresh on the VR Station(s) that you’ll be using the 3D environment in. If you choose to revert back to the standard 2D menu, you can switch this back to “None” at any time and you’ll again need to do a refresh on the VR Station(s) that you’re reverting back. 7. Once you’ve entered in all the necessary (and optional) sections, you will see that the “Save” button is now solid and clickable. Click that to save, otherwise your edits will be lost. If you want to exit and start over click the tiny “x” button in the top right of the window or click the “Hide” button at the bottom of the window.
Rewards Points Add-On
The module represents a multi-purposed powerful marketing tool. As such, it may seems complex at first, but provides an endless flexibility. This document dives into explanation of different usage cases. Web Administration Upon subscription, the following settings are unlocked in the SynthesisVR Web Administration interface: Administration >> [click on your arcade name] >> Advanced >> Point System DefinitionYou are able to define as many point systems as you need and use different exchange rates. Combined with the ability to define different Membership Plans, your customers will be able to collect points of a different value.Administration >> Business Setup (tab) >> Operational Settings >> Three lines button >> [Edit] >> Advanced (tab) >> Allowed Payment Methods Through the Experience Types settings, you are able to define a global payment behavior for the given attraction. Administration >> Business Setup >> Extras (tab) >> Goods >> Add/Edit a “Good” option > Advanced o Allowed Payment Methods – have the same purpose as the “Experience Types” setting and applies for the specific item you are editingo Add Points to Customer – the system will add the specified points to the customer account.o Widget Cover Image – Specify a full URL to an image for the widget shown on the websiteo Quantity Limit – When this item is part of a booking, multiply the amount by the number of stations. o Short Web Description – The description for this widgeto Add Balance to Customer – If you want to add balance to your customer, do it from hereAdministration >> Extras >> Cards >> [Edit] a card mode >> Points CollectionNote: Detail explanation on the Membership Cards can be found hereBased on the experience type and day of the week, the system will automatically add points to the selected Point System. The points quantity will be based on the specified method: Minute – the points quantity will be multiplied by the minutes in the given session Session / Per Station – the points will be multiplied by the number of stations Session / All Stations – the customer will receive the specified amount of points Аdd / take points from the account Locate the customer account through the “Customers” page or by clicking on the customer name on the “Your Arcade” page or by using an NFC card or QR code.You are able to add / take points from the account. In the case of taking points, make sure you are entering a positive value and the minus option is selected: How to use the points in the Web Administration 1. Paying for VR SessionsUpon starting a Walk-in Session or paying for an existing session, the points will be multiplied by the exchange rate and displayed as a payment option. The point payments can be combined with standard Cash, Balance, Credit-Card or other payment of default options:If you don’t want to be able to pay with points for a specific type of VR attraction, all you have to do is to edit the specific Experience Type settings and make sure only the “Default” set of payments are allowed.The opposite behavior can be setup as well.2. Paying for Goods: Usage cases Similarly to the VR sessions, you can combine different experience types and limit the allowed payment methods.One step further, you can use the Good’s “Add Points to Customer” as an alternative exchange rate. You are allowed to pay for an item from the customer’s points and, as result of the purchase, give the same customer another type of points.Example Use Cases Run a reward program and allow your loyal customers to have free sessions. Have an experience type that is not for sale to your first time visitors. Add games that are not available with your standard offering and make the experience type being available only in exchange of points. This is a good way to promote upcoming games and collect reactions. Have branded T-Shirts or other promo materials that cost $50, but they can get them free if they have enough points. Diversify what can be booked online and only on site. Use the points as a reward in tournaments. Use the points as a reason to collect customer data (email, phone number, etc.).How to make most of the points systemYou have 24×7 control of the value of your reward points.Use two different point systems with a different exchange rate. In the common case, your customers wouldn’t have an idea about the actual value of one point, each time they’re spending money.1. Brand your membership programs2. Build a community3. Encourage your customers to use points and to sign up for a membership program4. Put your offers front and center – the more visibility the better5. Keep It Simple, Stupid – don’t dive into too many conditions6. Communicate the benefits clearly7. Advertise the points as the best value of this type of experience8. Have limited time options and add urgency at every step. Add a count down on your website9. Advertise your offers on your social channels10. Use membership tiers11. Let your customers sell for you12. Encourage social media sharing and tagging by providing points in exchange
Experience Types Add-On – Custom VR Session Types
Introduction “Experience Add-On” is a purchasable add-on for Synthesis VR Essential Access . Modules & Add-Ons are purchasable features that increase the functionality and capability of the Synthesis VR platform. The “Experience Add-On” allows you to create and manage custom VR Session Types.. Additional Notes: 14. The minimum number of stations that can be booked for the particular experience can be defined using Minimum number of stations in a session. 15. The maximum number of stations that can be booked for the particular experience can be defined using Maximum number of stations in a session. 16. Difference in minutes on the calendar allows you to decide the time difference in between the booking slots. 17. If this Experience Type is for all stations, then choose “Yes” from the “Complete Stations Booking” drop down menu. This will be most useful for walk in sessions for a full venue and will save a few steps. This would also be good for online bookings for full venue reservations. If this is for individual stations or anything less than the full venue booking, then choose “No” from the drop down menu. 18. Once you’ve entered in all the necessary (and optional) sections, you will see that the “Save” button is now solid and clickable. Click that to save, otherwise your edits will be lost. If you want to exit and start over click the tiny “x” button in the top right of the window or click the “Hide” button at the bottom of the window.