How Can We Help?
This Documentation will provide a step by step guide to setting up your booking widget, integrating it in to your WordPress website and other advanced configurations.
On your left menu click Administration
Click Advanced Settings – Web Widgets as shown below

This takes you to the Widgets Page. On the Booking Widgets TAB – Click the + sign to create a new web widget. This will open up a pop up menu to create a new widget.

Widgets Pop Up Settings
1. Title – A Suitable title for your widget
2. Predefined Template – Select Template Version 5 from the drop down menu as shown below
3. Click the Experience Type+ button
Select the correct Experience from the dropdown menu this widget is going to apply. You can have multiple Experiences on the same widget. Make sure to click Experience Types+ button to add more experience.
4. Take Out Time Options+ (Optional)
By default the booking will show all your time slots.
Example: You have a 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes duration on your Booking Rules for VR Experience. Online you only want to show the 30,45 and 60 minutes option and do not want customers booking 15 minutes, then you can use this Take Out Time Options+ and not show the 15 minutes duration as shown below.
5. Waiver Template (Optional)
If you want your customers to select a waiver before checkout select the correct Waiver Template from the drop down as shown below:
6. About Field – (Optional)
Here you can add text explaining the booking widgets or conditions.
7. Payment module
Synthesis VR can integrate multiple merchant processors for free. Here you can select the correct Payment module that is to applied for taking customers’ payment online.
**This module has to be setup prior to selecting from the drop down.
8. Collect More Information About Your Customers+ (Optional)
By default only Email, Password and Full Name is entered when a customer is making a booking online. If you want to collect more information you can use this button to add multiple fields. All fields are default text inputs, but limitations can be set as shown below.
**For more customization options check the booking customization section.
9.Booking Confirmation Points+ (Optional)
You can create points that the customer would check off using this. For example, something like “I agree to come 15 minutes prior to my session start”. This checkbox would be required to be checked off.
10. Add HTML to the HEAD and BODY tag (Optional)
These fields are used to customize various options on your widget settings. Using this you can pretty much customize and enhance various options according to your own individual requirements.
**This is clearly explained in the customization section with multiple examples as use case scenarios.
11. Customer can pay in your location
If you want your customers to pay at your Arcade instead of ONLINE, select YES, If the customer has to Pay ONLINE, select NO
12. Disable enforcing account registration
If you want to enforce customers to register before checkout. This option will be OBSOLETE if ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION is selected, customer will have to create a profile before checking out.
13.Arcade Image (Optional)
Upload your logo or image of choosing for the widget
14. External CSS URL (Optional)
Synthesis VR supports external styling using CSS. Please input URL to enable external styling.
15. Time Format
As shown below, which format of time you want to use in your widget. AM/PM or Military style Time.
16. Pre-selected duration upon loading the widget (Optional)
If you want a certain duration to load by default based on your booking duration, input the duration in minutes as shown below. This will load the 30 minutes duration by default on the booking page.
17. Earlier Possible Time After (Optional)
This is an extremely valuable field for events and party bookings. For special events and parties if you require a certain duration then use this field.
Type Digit and Type of Duration as shown below. This will require a 24 hour notice before they can make a reservation online. This will prevent same day reservations and have to be used carefully.
Once you have setup everything please click the Save Changes button.