Running a location with Android headsets, we think this will help you

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Are you aware of SynthesisVR? if not we are a location management and content licensing solution. Why solution, SynthesisVR is the answer to all your issues running a location, using various headsets and game platforms.

We have been constantly refining SynthesisVR. Last year we introduced our management platform for Android Standalone headsets, we didn’t sit on our laurels but continued developing and we are pleased to announce another major update that will help VR businesses tremendously. Apart from launching games, sideloading content, and tracking, with SynthesisVR you can also manage your chaperones and create an efficient workflow in a much more easy and more seamless manner. Here are some of the major changes or additions we made:

  • Multiple under-the-hood underperforming functionalities are revamped. As an example, the Proxy now stays persistently connected vs being reconnected every time the Synthesis app is brought in front
  • The Quest performance is improved. You can easily launch and close games from a central management PC.
  • Streaming from PC to Quest 2 has never been easier.
  • Pico Location-Based Entertainment (LBE) mode is now fully supported (Devices: Pico G2 4K; Pico Neo 3 Pro; Pico 4 Enterprise)
  • Due to being LBE HMDs – Pico Neo 3 Pro and Focus 3 have excellent performance. Pico 4 Pro is fully supported as well, but a bug in PUI 5 that affects SynthesisVR is under investigation.
  • Focus 3 LBE mode is now fully supported (HTC Vive Business Console (VBC) initial provisioning required)
  • Support for remote and silent content installation on Pico and Focus 3 (without MobileFuel). Requires the latest Proxy update.
  • “Environment Profiles” support.. and please let us know if you find a better word describing this.
    The SynthesisVR Environment Profiles cover headset variables such as boundaries, button states, scheduled HMD restarts, and other configuration and environment adjustments.
    As an example – you can disable the Focus 3 menu button during sessions and regardless if the sessions are standalone or PCVR streaming; on Pico, you can do things like automatically turning on the screen at the session start and turning it off at the session end (regardless if the HMD is worn). There are a lot of possibilities, but the cherry on the cake is the boundary-sharing possibility. We are closely working with Pico and HTC to further improve all the systems and make them as accessible as possible.
    Please check our Environment Profiles Guide –
  • Improved standalone free-roam support and a new Quest 2 free-roam game is coming out this week!
  • Improved PC Spectator View mode for the standalone games supporting a PC spectator view – a new 6 players room-scale escape room game (PCVR + Quest standalone + Focus 3 Standalone + dedicated spectator view) is coming out next week! Yes, the game supports PCVR + Android crossplay
  • To make all this possible, we have greatly improved the SynthesisVR Engine support for the Android launcher
  • Sideloading content is possible

For questions related to the game or Synthesis VR please email

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